About Us

Quite Simply . . . We Love Decor and Design!

Seek and Find Design was created to provide a social platform that facilitates interactions about decor and design choices. We also wanted to help members save time and money during their search for great decor.  Our Blog, which is hosted on this site, and our FacebookPage are the two main vehicles that we use to provide information and social interaction opportunities.

Retail Store and Online Relationships

  • HomeDepot:  One of our founders is a member of a HomeDepot program that provides free home decor and building product to use and review on their site. Some of those products may also be shown on our site.  We are not paid for this HomeDepot relationship, however it helps us stay up to date on important design trend and discounts, which we pass along to our members.
  • Amazon:  We are an approved Amazon Associate and may be paid a commission for products that we highlight on this website.
  • HomeGoods:  We have no special relationship with HomeGoods, but everyone on our team shops there and we use their unique decor in many of our custom designs.

It is our policy to only recommend products that we have used in our Seek and Find Design custom designs.